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Applied Consulting vs. Hiring a New Employee

How does hiring an Applied Engineering consultant compare to hiring a new employee, and  which one provides the best value for your company? 

This question was presented to Applied when a company asked for a proposal for engineering  services. The company asked, “How do I justify the cost of hiring your services over hiring a new  employee to do the same task?”

It is a common misconception that hiring a new employee would be less expensive due to the lower  hourly wages compared to a consultant’s hourly fee, but there are other factors that should be  considered when determining the true cost of hiring a new employee. 

New Employee Costs 

Applied identifies these inclusive costs as an employee’s “internal burden rate”. Because total labor  costs, including the internal burden rate, may be as much as 50% higher than payroll costs alone, it  is necessary to calculate the burden cost accurately. These costs include: 

  • Payroll taxes, 401k, benefits, social security tax, Medicare tax, workers compensation,  general liability, unemployment insurance, bonuses, severance pay, uniforms or special work  attire, usage of equipment, training, work supplies, office space, administration/IT time  unloading, onboarding, CAD software, PTO, paid holidays, and sick leave. 

 Applied Engineering Consulting Costs 

Through using Applied Engineering’s services, the above stated costs can be avoided. By hiring an  Applied Engineering consultant, you benefit from: 

  • Straight rates (no PTO, holiday, or sick pay, no recruiting or onboarding costs) and a minimal  time investment. 
  • You receive flexible resource management and a vetted Applied consultant that fits your  needs. 
  • Applied Engineering can step in quickly with knowledgeable staff with the expertise needed  by your company. 

As you can see, hiring Applied Engineering can be a wonderful asset to your company for a much lower cost than hiring a new employee, and our consultants possess skills to help with a multitude  of projects. If you want to learn more about any services that Applied has to offer, contact us today.